The Dubreuils

November 04, 2017  •  3 Comments

I had the fun pleasure of capturing this fun vibrant family all together before Jack goes off to college next fall. Their last year together at Moravian Academy was captured on campus behind the beautiful Snyder house on the very lawn where Jack will be walking for the graduation ceremony. Jack and his momma Lisa (who is Moravian's tireless, energetic, and ever funny and positive college counselor) designed and practiced their custom handshake. It was also a pleasure to see Tom who I don't get to see as often and to meet both their dogs Hailey and new addition Luna. Lisa's very good friend from college helped wrangle the pups and provided great cheer during the shoot so it was fun to capture a moment between two dear college friends. I love these folks, they never shy away from having fun and their family bond is so palpable I didn't have to direct them very much at all. This is The Dubreuil Family. With love and best wishes for this last year before graduation ~


I asked Jack to Jump in an homage to Philippe Halsman. This guy is getting ready to take off he's sure to fly.

Lisa is one of my favorite colleagues she is professional but always finds a way to let loose. She is hilarious and always makes me smile.

You got this Jack. Mom & dad helped to see you through... now it's on you. We all wish you well as you move forward. 






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Taking pictures with various things remind you what all that you did during that novel event. Adolescents can likewise visit for help recorded as a hard copy their troublesome articles. Youngsters love taking pictures with their esteemed possessions and presents.
Love the pics and the Dubreuils. Sorry Michael was too shy (busy) to do a shoot! It's on for Miranda!
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